Saturday, April 24, 2010

Someone Drove Thru our Garage

So, I woke up on Sunday to find a hole in the side of my garage. I'm not a morning person and we had been up late the night before to celebrate my birthday so it took me a while to figure out what I was seeing. The first thing I saw was the dog - her bed sat right where the car had come thru the wall. Luckily we had moved all the vehicles out of the garage for the party or she would have been smashed between the wall and a truck. Then I saw the electric meter hanging and bare wires exposed and I ran back into the house to get the hubby up and start making phone calls. As you can see the car drove quite a long way before hitting the garage. He told the cops he "fell asleep". When my husband when to his home (which is right down the road) to get his insurance information he saw an open 16 oz Budweiser in the cup holder of his car and the guy was obviously very hung over. Unfortunately he hit the garage right where ALL of our utilities are. Fortunately we have an awesome contractor (he built our house) and after three days in a hotel we were back home! It was a birthday I will never forget!

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